The idea from Nikolas from München:
The customer's rating:
The story of the gym bag:
Negotiation phase
I would like to provide you an offer for your sport bag. The information,details and specification that you have provided are very helpful. We can produce it the kitenge of black and red colour you want, however i am searching now the possible kitenges available on the market that you can choose your Favourite. I have one suggestions and two question to get more clarification on the request of your bag. My suggestion is to use an addition material inside to give the bag right density, and stability for also the inside pocket. I would also like to ask which preferable colour for the thicker cord strap and the colour of Velcro which would close the pocket ? Thank you for providing us your request to make the sport bag of your choice.
Hello Sandra, thank you very much for the feedback. The kitenge should be rather black, possibly with a subtle colored pattern. I am curious about the proposals. Additional fabric inside is a good idea. The cord should be white. Velcro black.
Many thanks and best regards
Thanks for all the information and clarification you provided. I will use the heavy cotton material in black with pattern of Kitenge for the outside. I have showed you possible colours of pattern of Kitenge to add on the black cotton, kindly choose one of Kitenge you prefer. I am ready to start producing the sport bag of your choice. Please feel free to share or ask any preference or questions you might have.
Hello, Sandra,
I have another question about the fabrics. Which material would be inside and which outside? I really like the fabric with the red pattern and the triangles on the first photo. Maybe the bag could be made of this fabric on one side (front) and be completely black on the other side (back). Would that be possible?
Thank you and many greetings
Yes, it's absolutely possible to make the front side Kitenge in triangle and back side in black. The inside material is a soft cotton tissue we use. It's for to be balance inside with the outside. I have uploaded a photo as an example of how we used the cotton inside to another piece of clothing. What do you think of it?
Thank you
Hello, Sandra,
perfect, then we're happy to do it as you suggest!
Many greetings
Production phase
I have uploaded photos about the production of your sport bag. This is the front side which will be double inside by that black soft cotton material. I will do the same on behind side where then combine both part. Please let me know if you have any question or suggestions. Thank you.
Hello Sandra, wonderful, I am looking forward to the finished bag!
The sport bag is done now. During finalisation I met an obstacle of having enough space to put the straps (thicker cord) since the measurements was exact, I had an issue that it might be small for the A4 paper of I remove the Cintemeters for the strap. To avoid that I adjust and added around 5cm in addition to length and width to have enough space for the strap and make sure the A4 paper can still fit in. The inside material was also very soft and was causing mistake in sewing so I ended up using both Kitenge and the black cotton material also for the inside to still make sure the entire bag is beautiful and stable. Everything I just explained are updated on the new photos I shared. Now I am confident with the quality of the bag and I can deliver today. Please let me know how you feel about the changes and if you want something to be changed.
Thank you
Hello, Sandra,
looks great! Many thanks and many greetings
Nicholas Ludwig
The final gym bag:
Reference: ON003271E-12713
Costs to realize this gym bag
Price | |
Cost of material |
Cost of labour |
Cost of packaging |
Cost of delivery to local operations manager |
Subtotal – payout to craftsman |
Customer aquisition costs (advertising etc.) |
Handling fee Urban Change Lab |
Shipping costs from Rwanda to Germany* |
VAT (Germany)* |
Total |
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