Are you a craftsman and have completed a formal education and would like to voluntarily support other craftsmen in their education and training? We are looking for craftsmen who want to mentor a craftsman in Africa. This is relevant especially to those craftsmen in Africa who have not had the chance to undergo a formal education.
Do I need to travel?
- No, everything is online. Nevertheless you may want to visit your mentee some day in the future. It’s up to you.
How about language skills?
- You do not need special language skills. We translate for you, if you like. Currently all craftsmen on Urban Change Lab speak English as their second language. If you have basic English skills you can communicate directly with each other. If you prefer your language, we can translate your communication.
How it works:
- Once you are registered and approved on our platform we connect you with a craftsman in Africa working in your profession (your mentee).
- You are (for as long as you like) a source of know-how as a mentor e.g. how to do better, which machines could make life easier, is a price estimate realistic…
- You will receive frequent (e.g. once a week) questions via E-Mail and if you have time you may answer via our system.
Our experience in our first year was that it is often those small suggestions that can make a difference. Your skills can make a difference.
What do I get for it?
- It’s all voluntary work. So you get recognition and good Karma, and in a best case scenario a new friend on another continent.
How to start:
- You can either register here or you first place an offer for something small to see how the Urban Change Lab works.