Fabric is one of the base materials to realize custom made ideas. With fabric or leather you get beautiful items like bags, clothes, wallets, curtains. All unique items. No matter if you are looking for a curtains that fits to your window, a dress to express your style or just something to make your life more practical. Simply ask for your individual unique piece according to your ideas. You don’t have to be a designer, it’s enough to bring in your ideas. Our tailor and designers will do the rest. You work together on your project made with fabric. Within the production process you will get questions about color, size, materials etc.. We manufacture everything as an individual unique piece. We deliver worldwide. There is no limit to the products we can manufacture. Think of everything that can be done by high-quality craftsmanship.
Your custom-made item will be realized in Africa and delivered worldwide. The entire process is transparent. Fairtrade 2.0, we’d say. You will get all information and direct contact to your tailor in Ghana, Kenya or Rwanda.